Favorite Castles Series

Amazon has created a new site function for books. A separate marketing/purchase page for a Series, either in order or out of order, hopefully to engage readers of one book to buy the other books in the series. An author who publishes on Amazon/KDP can access this through the dashboard in a new section for Series. Then, list the available titles.

Favorite Castle of Europe Series Amazon

My Favorite Castles of Europe series features my five castle books, Favorite Castles: England & Wales, Favorite Castles: Ireland & Northern Ireland, Favorite Castles of Germany, Favorite Castles of Switzerland, and More Favorite Castles: England & Wales. The series list shows up as a link on the individual sales page, but now sure yet how the Series page is discovered on its own. The series page is not available to advertise through Amazon Ads, (yet) but I have seen authors marketing the series page in advertisements like Facebook Ads.

We’ll see how it works out, especially useful for authors creating fiction series, which I hope for the future.